Proposals for contemporary clothing with the Orient as the main source of inspiration
Based in Australia, YASUTO KIMURA combines the spirit and culture nurtured by the long history of the Orient with Western tailoring and pattern production skills to propose comfortable and genderless clothing.
Each design is fused with the wearer's style, aiming to create new beauty that transcends race, gender and culture.
Elegant and universal outfits
The garments designed based on the above concept are tailored with high-quality fabrics to be soft, light and three-dimensional through meticulous ironing work and fine manual work.
To fit comfortably in your hands, only elegant glossy silk threads are used for sewing, and all the button-holes and button stitching are done by hands.
Each clothing size is carefully designed to complement each customer’s individuality, regardless of gender or body shape.
In pursuit of beauty, the detailed specifications, contents, and lines of the items stored in the archive may be redesigned in some cases.
All designs are stored and can be ordered at any time with in-stock fabrics.
All garments are made to order as YASUTO KIMURA creates each product delicately by hand.
オーストラリアを拠点とするYASUTO KIMURAは東洋の長い歴史が育んだ精神、文化を、西洋の仕立てと製図技術で融合させ、快適でジェンダーレスな服として提案します。
YASUTO KIMURAの製品は一着一着手作業で作られる為、全て受注生産になります。
Yasuto Kimura
Majored in Fine Arts and Sculpture at Tokyo Zokei University. Furthered his passion for clothing designs in ESMOD Tokyo where he learned pattern making and sewing techniques under a tailor who worked as a couturier at Christian Dior.
In 2014 Yasuto won the Grand Prix for his graduation collection in ESMOD Tokyo and also won the SHOW studio Award from fashion category at the International Talent Support (ITS) , a global contest that year.
After working as a men's designer at an apparel company in the fashion central Tokyo, immigrated to Australia.
In 2020, Established YASUTO KIMURA
東京造形大学にて美術学部、彫刻科を専攻。卒業後、エスモード東京に入学。Christian Diorでクチュリエを勤めたテーラーの元でパターンメイキング、縫製を学ぶ.
卒業コレクションでグランプリ受賞、同じくその年に世界的コンテスト、2014 International Talent support(ITS)にてファッション部門受賞。
都内のアパレル会社にてメンズデザイナーを経験後、オーストラリアに移住。2020年、YASUTO KIMURA設立。